Your wedding dress represents a substantial emotional and financial investment.
Whether you intend keeping or selling your dress, once the ‘big day’ is over you will naturally want to protect your investment. No matter how dirty or discoloured your gown may be, we will achieve the best possible result, consistent with what the fabric can bear. Invariably this is ‘as good as the day I bought it!’
If your wedding dress is heavily beaded or sequined you are not penalised and we are undeterred. Pricing is not based on the cost of your wedding dress, but the effort required in achieving the best possible finish. Wedding Dresses are our speciality and almost the entire process is completed by hand. Every stain is hand cleaned, fabric condition is constantly scrutinised and monitored. We combine our care and attention to detail with the finest non-aggressive products to remove dirt and stains without fabric damage or shrinkage. Only the final clean is mechanised and after that, your wedding dress is again carefully examined, prior to hand pressing. Our objective is to achieve that ‘as good as the day I bought it’ look.
Now cleaned and pressed to your satisfaction, the next decision is how you store your wedding dress. We always have a large selection of purpose made boxes for you to choose from at our Gillingham branch.
Evening wear can be required for many occasions. Whether it’s a special wedding, Christmas party or a business event, the focus is so often the outfit. If you’re relying on a special garment, which has been hung in your wardrobe for some time a ball gown or dinner suit for instance, there’s every chance it will need freshening up and professionally pressing. Instead of trying to wash your delicate garment at home, we can ensure your precious clothes get the special treatment they deserve.