The Superclens carpet cleaner is available for daily hire through our Gillingham branch. If you can use a vacuum then you can use a Superclens machine, it really is very simple and effective. Also available from both our brunches is the smaller Superclens spray extraction machine perfect for smaller areas or single carpet.
You may be surprised to know realize just how much dirt, pollen, and other contaminants can hide in a carpet. It’s estimated that 80% of all carpet soil comes from matter tracked in from outside. Frequent vacuuming helps considerably but nothing beats the kind of deep down clean the Superclens carpet cleaner provides.
This equipment is highly effective and uses foam, brushes and high-powered spray extraction. This enables you to spring clean your carpet at a fraction of the cost of employing a specialist cleaning company – and it’s so simple to operate.The carpet foam is sprayed under pressure to get deep into the bottom of the carpet where it releases buried dirt, dust and grime in seconds. This solution is then immediately sucked up by the powerful vacuum of the machine preventing the carpet-backing from becoming too wet
Contact us today for more information on how to hire a Superclens carpet-cleaning machine today. Once you’ve used it, found how simple it is to use and how fresh your carpets look and feel, you’ll be pleased that you did.